Cookie policy

1 – Preamble

The cookie policy, described in this document, applies to the website (here in after referred to as “the Website”). Its purpose is to inform the user of the Website (hereinafter referred to as “the User”) of the processing of cookies by BIOCODEX SAS (hereinafter referred to as “BIOCODEX”), the types of cookies used and how the User may oppose them.

2 – General information

What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a text file that can be placed on a user’s device while browsing a website. Cookies are an important tool that allows organizations to have an overview of their users’ online activity.

Working principle: generally small in size and identified by a name, it is transmitted to the user’s browser by the website visited. The browser will keep it for a certain period of time, and will return it to the website each time it is reconnected. In principle, cookies can be easily viewed and deleted.

Cookies are in themselves harmless because they do not contain executable code. They fulfil important functions for websites: they can be used to store a customer account ID, navigation preferences, allow navigation to be traced for statistical or advertising purposes, etc.

However, cookies can store sufficient data to identify a user without his or her consent and, in some cases, can be used to create profiles of individuals. This is why it is necessary that the management of cookies is controlled within the framework of data protection.

Types of cookies

In general, cookies can be classified in three different ways: by origin, by lifetime, by purpose.


First-party cookies – These cookies are placed on the visitor’s terminal directly by the website visited.

Third-party cookies – These cookies are placed on the visitor’s terminal by a third party organization, such as an advertiser.


Session cookies – These cookies are temporary and expire when the browser closes or at the end of the visit (session).

Persistent cookies – This category includes all cookies that remain on the visitor’s device until they are deleted. They can be deleted manually or automatically (depending on the expiry date of the cookie or when the browser is closed if configured as such).


Strictly necessary cookies – These cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions such as page navigation, access to secure areas of the site or storing items in an online shopping cart. As a result, the website cannot function properly without these cookies.

Preference cookies (functionality cookies) – These cookies allow a website to retain information that changes the way the site behaves or displays, such as the visitor’s preferred language or the region in which it is located.

Statistical cookies (performance cookies) – These cookies help the website owner, through the collection and communication of information, to understand how visitors interact with the site, such as the pages visited and the links used. The goal is to improve the website afterwards. Although intended for the use of the website owner, these cookies may come from third party organizations that may track the visitor for marketing purposes.

Marketing Cookies – These cookies track the user’s online activity to help advertisers, for example, deliver more relevant ads. These cookies may share this information with other organizations or advertisers. These are persistent cookies and almost always from third parties.

3 – General provisions

The management of cookies on the Site is a processing of personal data implemented by BIOCODEX. The following provisions apply to all cookies processed on the Site, unless otherwise specified in the specific provisions.

Legal framework

BIOCODEX, as controller, declares that it processes cookies on the Website in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (the GDPR) and French Law No 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on data processing, files and freedoms (the amended “Informatique et Libertés” law).

BIOCODEX, in its compliance process, has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the French data protection authority. This designation, with reference to DPO-3068, took effect on 25/05/2018.

Data controller

The data controller is identified as follows:

BIOCODEX, a simplified joint stock company under French law with a share capital of €4,284,000, registered in the Trade and Companies Register under No. 562 064 600 R.C.S. CRETEIL, with its registered office at 22 Rue des Aqueducs – 94250 GENTILLY – France, represented by Mr Jean-Marie LEFEVRE, duly authorised in his capacity as Chairman and CEO.

Telephone: +33 (0) 1 41 24 30 00

Persons concerned

The processing concerns any User of the Site.

Data recipients

Persons authorized from BIOCODEX:

  • of the marketing department
  • the IT department, responsible for the maintenance of the Site
    External :
    • communication agency associated with the Site
    • third parties receiving data from cookies

User’s rights regarding cookies

With regard to the GDPR and the amended “Informatique et Libertés” law, the Website may only store cookies on the User’s terminal if they are strictly necessary for its operation. The use of other types of cookies requires the User’s consent.

Web browser settings

The User can prevent the placement of cookies on his or her device or delete existing ones, by setting up his or her web browser accordingly. To access instructions on how to manage cookies, the User can refer to the help sections of his browser.
However, it should be noted that disabling cookies on the web browser may cause malfunctions on the Website, as well as on other websites.

Parameter setting at Website level

During his first visit to the Website, the User must express his choices through a module of declaration relating to cookies (hereinafter referred to as “the cookie banner”), before continuing his navigation on the Site. Cookies are only stored if the User accepts them. It can accept or reject cookies either globally or on a service-by-service basis. Once the settings have been made, the User can change his choices at any time by recalling the cookie banner.

Legal information

In accordance with the GDPR and the amended “Informatique et Libertés” law, the User has a right of access, rectification, deletion, portability on data concerning him, limitation, opposition to the processing of his data, to file a complaint with the CNIL.

To exercise his rights or for any question relating to the processing of his data by BIOCODEX, the User must contact the BIOCODEX DPO, using the contact form on the Website or by post:

22 Rue des Aqueducs

Security of personal data

BIOCODEX takes all necessary precautions to preserve the security of the User’s personal data and aims in particular to prevent it from being distorted or damaged, or from unauthorised third parties having access to it.

BIOCODEX uses the HTTPS protocol on the Website. This security mechanism allows the User to verify the identity of the website he or she is accessing, thanks to an authentication certificate issued by a third party authority known for its reliability. It also makes it possible to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the data sent by the User, such as information from cookies transmitted to third parties.

4 – Specific provisions

The following provisions detail the cookies used by the Website. For third-party cookies, this detail is available via the cookie banner.

First-party cookies


BIOCODEX uses internal cookies necessary for the operation of the Website.

Legal basis

The processing is in line with the legitimate interests pursued by BIOCODEX in its relationship with the User.

Details of cookies

Cookie name Function Duration
_icl_current_language memorize language preference 1 day
didomi_token Contains consent information for personalized purposes and for personalized partners, as well as information specific to Didomi (user ID, for example). 1 an